Working on some new silk yarn ideas and just wanted to walk you through the process! Summer multicoloured yarn, fresh and light to wear, is an amazing medium, not only as a final result (more on that on a post to come) but also as a working material: it is really soft to crochet with and brings a “Marrakech nights feeling” in mind… And just to get an idea where this is going, you can check Silk crochet necklace section in my Etsy shop!

The one that i am working right now, has a lot of fringes, which requires some post production work (cutting them carefully) to give a “cleaner” final impression!

Funny thing though: just when i was wondering what to do with all the left over fringes, making a pile on my desk, my 4 year daughter found a really creative way to play with them: it will always amaze me the way kids reinvent the origin of things and materials!
Want to know the ultimate way to recycle and repurpose things? Give them to your children and wait and see what they’ll come up with!
What do you do with your left over yarns, after a project? Share any ideas in the comments below, would love to hear from you! I am planning a future post on that too, so keep in touch!